On Various Aspects of Psychology

Dai, D. Y. (2022). The crisis of educational psychology: Its challenges and positioning. Journal of East China Normal University (Education Sciences). 11, 4-24.  doi:10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.11.002 戴耘(2022): 教育心理学的危机:挑战和定位。华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)第11期,4-24页)(Click to download)

Sun, R., Bugrov, S., & Dai, D. (2021). A unified framework for interpreting a range of motivation-performance phenomena. Cognitive Systems Research, 71, 24-40. (Click to download)

Guo, L., Xu, X., Dai, D. Y., & Deng, C. (2021). Foundations for early mathematics skills: The interplay roles of approximate number system, mapping ability, home numeracy activities, and intelligence. Cognitive Development. (Click to download)

Ji, H., Qi, S., Xu, S., Chen, J., Dai, D. Y., Li. Y., & Hu, W. (2020). The Role of animacy in metaphor processing of mandarin Chinese: An event-related potential (ERP) study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 56, 1-15. (Click to download)

Xu, X., Dai, D. Y., Liu, M., & Deng, C. (2020). Parental psychological control and  academic functioning in Chinese high school students: A short-term longitudinal study. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38, 90-107. (Click to download )

Le, Y., Liu, J., Deng, C., & Dai, D. Y. (2018). Heart rate variability reflects the effects of emotional design principle on mental effort in multimedia learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 40-47. (Click to download)

Xu, X. Dai, D. Y., Liu, M., & Deng, C. (2018). Relations between parenting and child academic functioning among adolescents in China: A three-wave longitudinal study. Frontiers in Education, 3 (Article 1, pp. 1-10). (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y. (2013). Naturalizing and contextualizing self: Self-in-action and self-in-reflection in differential development. In D. M. McInerney, H. W. Marsh., R. G. Craven, & F. Guay (Eds.), Theory driving research: New wave perspectives on self-processes and human development (pp. 183-204). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (Click here to download)

Dai, D. Y. (2012). From smart person to smart design: Cultivating intellectual potential and promoting intellectual growth through design research. In D. Y. Dai (ed.), Design research on learning and thinking in educational settings: Enhancing intellectual growth and functioning (pp. 3-40). New York: Routledge. (Click here to download)

Dai, D. Y. (2012). Fostering students’ critical thinking and creativity. In L. Zhao, & Y. Li (Eds.). International studies on teacher professional development (pp. 220-226) (in Chinese). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press. (Click here to download)

Dai, D. Y., Zhang, J., & Yan, Z. (2012). Epilogue: Where are we and where are we going? In D. Y. Dai (ed.), Design research on learning and thinking in educational settings: Enhancing intellectual growth and functioning (pp. 269-282). New York: Routledge. (Click here to download)

Dai, D. Y., & Sun, R. (2012). Where is the unity of attention, representation, and human  performance? A commentary. In S. Masmoudi, D, Y. Dai, & A. Naceur, A. (eds.), Attention, representation, and human performance: Integration of cognition, emotion and motivation (pp. 215-231). New York: Psychology Press. (Click here to download)

Dai, D. Y., Gerbino, K. A., Daley, M. J. (2011). Inquiry-based learning in China: Do teachers practice what they preach, and why? Frontiers of Education in China, 6, 139-157.  (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y., & Wind, A. (2011). Computer games and opportunity to learn: Implications for teaching students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. In S. Tobias & J. D. Fletcher (Eds.), Computer games and instruction (pp.477-500). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (Click to download)

Tobias, S., Fletcher, J. D., Dai, D. Y., & Wind, A. (2011). Review of research comparing games to other instructional methods.  In S. Tobias & J. D. Fletcher (Eds.), Computer games and instruction (pp. 127-221). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y., & Rinn, A. N. (2008). The Big-fish-little-pond effect: What do we know and where do we go from here?  Educational Psychology Review, 20, 283-317. (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y., Wang, X. (2007).  The role of need for cognition and reader beliefs in text comprehension and interest development.  Contemporary Educational Psychology,32,332-347. (Click to download)

Bidjerano. T., & Dai, D. Y. (2007). Relationship between big-five personality and self-regulated learning.  Learning and Individual Differences,17,69-81. (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y. (2004). How universal is the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect? American Psychologist, 59, 267-268. (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y. (2002). Incorporating parent perceptions: A replication and extension study of Marsh’s I/E model of self-concept.  Journal of Adolescent Research, 17, 617-645. (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y. (2008). Where Chinese American students might fall short: What the model minority debate might have missed. In G-F Li & L. Wang (Eds.), Model minority myths revisited: An interdisciplinary approach to demystifying Asian American education experiences (pp. 177-193).  Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y. (2002).  The self in cultural context: Meaning and valence.  In D. McInerney & S. Van Etten (Eds.), Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning (Vol. 2, pp. 3-21).  Information Age Press. (Lead article) (Click to download)

Renzulli, J. S., & Dai D. Y. (2001).  Abilities, interests, and styles as aptitudes for learning: A person-situation interaction perspective.  In R. J. Sternberg & L. F. Zhang (Eds.), Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles (pp. 23-46). Marwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. (Click to download)

Dai, D. Y., & Davis, J. K. (1998). Field dependence, academic achievement, and career orientations: A study of Chinese high school students. Gifted and Talented International, 13, 34-39. (Click here to download)